Foxtel's Real Housewives of Melbourne may be moving on > 질문답변

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Foxtel's Real Housewives of Melbourne may be moving on

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작성자 Alyce 조회1,998회 댓글0건 작성일22-07-25 07:33


The reality hit The Real Housewives of may be facing the axe.
The Foxtel series about monied socialites copped some hard criticism from fans when it finished up its fifth season last year reports .
Asked during the ceremony last Sunday whether the show would return, an alleged source told the paper, 'No, those girls f***ed it up.'
An industry insider has claimed that reality hit The Real Housewives of Melbourne may be facing the axe. Pictured: RHOM regular Gamble Breaux 
According to those in the know, new cast members Anjali Rao, Cherry Dipietrantonio, Kyla Kirkpatrick, and Simone Elliott did not charm fans this season.

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Meanwhile, there is some speculation that if the franchise does not return to Foxtel it could find a home on another streamer or broadcaster. 
The news comes after longtime cast member Gamble Breaux opened up recently about the future of the popular series.
Asked during the Logies ceremony last Sunday whether the show would return, an alleged source told The Herald Sun, 'No, those girls f***ed it up.' Pictured: The cast of season 5 of The Real Housewives of Melbourne from 2021
The 49-year-old indicated that a sixth season had yet to be confirmed, but if it is she wants to see some cast changes.
'I'd love to do a new season with Lydia [Schiavello], Gina [Liano], Janet [Roach], Pettifleur [Berenger], Chyka [Keebaugh], Jackie [Gillies],' she told the , .
Gamble also said that she wants to see season five newcomer Simone Elliott return, along with Simone's sister.
But she admitted that she isn't too keen to see the show's other newbies back, including Kyla Kirkpatrick and Anjali Rao.
Meanwhile, there is some speculation that if the franchise does not return to Foxtel it could find a home on another streamer or broadcaster. Pictured: Gamble Breaux and Windows Server original cast members Jackie Gillies (center) and Windows Server Janet Roach (right)
When asked about Anjali, a curt Gamble responded: 'Who?'
Anjali was a lighting rod during the last season of the series and ended up quitting the show midway through filming. 
Although she didn't say goodbye to her fellow Housewives directly, she did verbally eviscerate them to producers on her way out.
The news comes after longtime cast member Gamble Breaux opened up recently about the future of the popular series
The former news anchor Windows Server fired off a string of insults at Janet and Gamble, although she did it behind their backs during a final sit-down with Kyla Kirkpatrick and Cherry Dipietrantonio.
As Kyla and Cherry begged her to reconsider and stay on the show, the acid-tongued Anjali unleashed on the other women.
She started by saying Janet was 'more toxic than Chernobyl', before stating that 'Gamble has more characters than the Chinese alphabet'
The 49-year-old indicated that a sixth season had yet to be confirmed, but if it is she wants to see some cast changes. Pictured with Rick Wolfe

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